March 25, 2025

Back to School Tips

Don’t tell my son this, but there is a part of me that kind of dreads school starting. The alarm clock buzzing at 5:30am, waiting at the bus stop, and the homework can some times be overwhelming. It takes some time for us to get everything organized and to settle into a rhythm. Once we settle into a routine things go much smoother and ,as a family, we try to make school as exciting as we can. There are ways to make the transistion from summer to school easier on for the entire family. Here are a few tips:


  • Prepare for Waking up Early
    The week or two before school begins, start setting an alarm clock and practice waking up at the time you need to.  Gradually set it ten minutes earlier every day until you wake up at your desired time.
  • Get Enough Sleep
    Waking up early is always easier when you go to bed early. Set a bedtime and try to stick to it. Make bedtime a routine by doing an activity every night such as reading a story or bedtime prayers.

  •  Make School Supply Shopping Fun
    Every year my son and I go back to school shopping together and we try to make it as fun as possible. For him, having a spider-man notebook rocks! I let him pick out his school stuff to match his interests at that time. It gets him excited about using them at school.

  • Review School Work from Last Year
    Prior to school starting my son and I go over school work from the previous year and do worksheets together. It helps him remember what he learned and gives him the confidence to start a new year an not feel behind.

  • Talk to Kids Who Have Been There
    When we first started kindergarten, two years ago, I had my son talk to friends of ours that had completed kindergarten at his school and were moving on to first grade. They told him stories about what they did and what they liked about going to “big kid” school. It helped him know what to expect and know that his friends had already been there.

  • Eat a Good Breakfast
    Start each day with a good breakfast. I know mornings are extremely hectic and can be very challenging but starting the day with a healthy breakfast can help children concentrate in the classroom. So plan time for breakfast.

  • Ask Your Teacher for Help
    It is very important that kids understand that they and there teachers are on the same team. Make sure they know that there teacher is there to help them learn and to prepare them for the future. Encourage them to ask the teacher for help if they don’t understand something.

  • Find Out What They Did at School
    Every night we try to make time for everyone to go around the table and say what they did that day. I tell stories from my day and try to find out what my son did at school. Sometimes I struggle to get more than a one word answer, but I find that the more I talk about my day the more he is willing to share. I ask what he liked and what he didn’t like and what is tomorrow’s plans. It is now my favorite part of the day.

I hope everyone has a great school year and can find things that work for you and your family. Happy Learning!!

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms blogging program to be eligible to get a HarperCollins book set. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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