March 25, 2025

Wordless Wednesday 11/23/11 *Linky*

For each new morning with its light,

For rest and shelter of the night,

For health and food, for love and friends,

For everything Thy goodness sends.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for linking up at Nola Mommy!


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  2. Love the photos in your post! And so much to be thankful for!

  3. So sweet 🙂 Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. For everything thy goodness sends… ah, yes. Thanks for the beautiul reminder. My kids and I watched the movie The 5th Quarter today and it made me SO thankful for all the blessings in my life, especially my two kids and my husband. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving!

  5. Such cute kids! Adorable. Linking up:)

  6. I especially love the one of both boys 🙂

  7. Really great photos. So adorable.

  8. Awwwww! So SWEET! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  9. such sweet photos

  10. Sweet photos!

    Yummy Yogurt

  11. Lovely photos and thanksgiving.

  12. Adorable photos. Thank you so much for hosting this meme. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. 🙂

  13. Lovely photos! Happy WW!

  14. Wonderful prayer/poem of Thanksgiving combined with photos of adorable kids. What more could one want? Thanks for sharing — hope you & yours have a wonderful, healthy, & safe Thanksgiving!

  15. That poem is perfect for the season. Such a beautiful post!

  16. wonderful leafs in the first pic 🙂

  17. Your 2 little guys are gorgeous! 🙂

  18. Oh that´s a nice poem! Your kids are so cute!
    Thanks for your sweet comment and linking up on my blog!


  19. What absolutely beautiful photos 🙂 Just love them!!!
    Finally this week it appears I was able to link up just once, LOL!!! 🙂

    Thanks for linking up at Africa’s Blog!!

  20. That really made me smile!

  21. They have such sweet faces! Great photos!

    Trisha @

  22. Love it! Your children are beautiful and put a smile on my face 🙂

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  23. I love the cute sunny faces & that tree is pretty & still colorful! mine are all bare.

  24. absolutely adorable 🙂

  25. Such sweet quotes and Ralph Waldo Emerson certainly has some inspiring quotes. Happy WW!

  26. What sweet faces!! Also, sorry I linked twice – the first time I received an error that the object wasn’t found.

  27. Beautiful pictures!

  28. Absolutly gorgeous baby and I love the espressions.

  29. Such cute kids! Linking up:)

  30. Beautiful! I miss the colors! Beautiful kiddies too! 🙂

  31. Lovely children!

  32. Perfect pictures to go with that quote! I love Emerson and named my nephew after him.

  33. Such gorgeous photos to go along with a beautiful quote! Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up. Have a great day. 🙂

  34. The second pic is my fave!!

  35. What a happy baby! Beautiful photos.

    Lovely quote, too. I love everything by Emerson.

  36. Love the third pic of the boys together.. so precious!!

  37. Lovely photos. That second shot is too precious

  38. Love these photos, how beautiful!

    My Organized Chaos

  39. adorable!

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