March 25, 2025

First Alert Waterproof Fire Safe {Review & Giveaway}

home safeTake a second to think if your valuables are protected from fire, burglary, or even flood? Consider that every 14 seconds a home is burglarized, every year 380,000 homes experience a residential fire, and over 2 billion dollars are spent repairing homes affected by flooding. It’s no wonder we have a lot to stress about. But did you realize that by adding a residential safe to your home you have the potential to save some of your valuables from disaster. Now available, at Target Stores, First Alert Safes can offer you a little peace of mind that your valuables will be safe if disaster strikes.

I am thrilled to be giving one lucky Nola Mommy reader a First Alert 2013F Fire and Water Chest for their home. It’s .17 cubic feet, fire resistant for 30 minutes up to 1550 degrees Fahrenheit, and waterproof even when submerged.  It the perfect size for important letter size documents, small valuables, and media such as CD’s, DVD’s, and hard drives. It’s a great quality safe and hearing that it was waterproof is what really caught my attention. Here in South Louisiana, flooding is always a concern and its great to know that my belongings will be safe from possible water damage. Take the old and true advice and  “Hope for the Best while Preparing for the Worst.”

Here are some quick tips to consider if you’re in the market for a residential safe:

 ·         Storage capacity – Think about both current and future needs and choose a safe that is large enough to hold a lifetime of valuables.

·         Fire resistance – According to recent nationwide survey conducted by First Alert, fire protection is the number one reason people purchase a safe, cited by 62 percent of Americans. To ensure the survival of your valuables, look for a safe that is proven to withstand extreme external temperatures. First Alert safes, for instance, will protect contents from temperatures up to 1700 degrees Fahrenheit (F) while maintaining an internal temperature of less than 350 degrees F.

·         Water protection – With the recent rise in flooding incidents across the country, water protection has become an increasingly important feature in safes. In fact, this feature ranked second most important (behind fire protection) among respondents to the First Alert safes survey. When shopping, keep in mind that many safes are merely water resistant as opposed to waterproof. To ensure your belongings stay safe and dry, confirm that the safe you choose is tested to be waterproof even when fully submerged.

·         Concealed hinges – Exposed hinges on a safe are a virtual invitation for thieves – or even curious kids. For the best protection, look for safes with concealed, pry-resistant hinges.

·         Bolt-down option – Many safes come with tools that enable you to anchor the safe to the floor. However, in some cases, doing this can void the manufacturer’s warranty.  Be sure to double check warranty requirementsbefore buying.

·         Override key – If you are purchasing a safe with a digital keypad or combination lock, make sure it comes with an emergency override key, just in case.

To Enter to win a First Alert Waterproof Fire Safe: (Mandatory Entry):

Leave a comment telling me one FUN thing you have planned this summer.

For Additional Entries: (Please leave an additional comment for each):

1) Follow @FirstAlert on Twitter

2) Follow @NolaTricia on Twitter

3) Subscribe to Nola Mommy via RSS Reader or E-mail

4) Tweet about this Giveaway:

WIN a @FirstAlert Waterproof Fire Safe to protect your valuables! @NolaTricia #giveaway #safety

Giveaway Ends 6/29/2012 at 9pm CST. Prize will be shipped by giveaway sponsor. Must be 18 years old or older to enter. Open to U.S. Residents only. Winner will be selected using the …And the Winner is WordPress Plugin. Disclosure: I was given a First Alert Safe in order to facilitate this review. As always, all opinions are 100% my own!  





  1. Wonderful and i sincerely love this.

  2. Well organized safety rules.By the way, I am going to visit a historical place this summer.

  3. I want to get this giveaway.

  4. miranda turner says

    busch gardens tampa bay.

  5. heather c says

    I follow @FirstAlert on Twitter – ilovetoclap

  6. heather c says

    I have art sessions at the beach planned!

  7. Sheila Foley says

    I tweeted the giveaway message as @celticrn

  8. Sheila Foley says

    I Subscribe to Nola Mommy via E-mail as SHEILATF52 AT YAHOO DOT COM

  9. Sheila Foley says

    I Follow @NolaTricia on Twitter as @celticrn **If possible, could you please follow me back as twitter says I am maxed out on the # of followers I can have. Thanks Much!


  10. Sheila Foley says

    I Follow @FirstAlert on Twitter as @celticrn


  11. Sheila Foley says



  12. I’m an email subscriber.

  13. Water slides.

  14. We’re planning a lot of backyard bbq’s.

  15. Something fun this summer? A family mission trip to Central America! (We need a waterproof fireproof safe to keep our passports in!)

  16. shirley zolenski says
  17. shirley zolenski says

    email subscriber

  18. shirley zolenski says

    follow u on twitter as daveshir2005

  19. shirley zolenski says

    follow them on twitter as daveshir2005

  20. shirley zolenski says

    Nothing definate but we plan to do alot of boating

  21. I follow NolaTricia on Twitter. @dlhaley17

  22. I follow FirstAlert on Twitter. @dlhaley17

  23. I plan to spend a lot of time in our pool.

  24. Veronica Garrett says

    We are going to NYC.

  25. christal c willdebbie says

    subscribe in google reader
    christal willdebbie

  26. christal c willdebbie says

    Follow @NolaTricia on Twitter

  27. christal c willdebbie says

    We will be going to Cedar Point and Six Flags

  28. We have a fun trip to the beach planned!

  29. Ralph Lee says

    Going to the Pennsylvania woods to hike and get cool

  30. I plan on going to Valleyfair amusement park in Minnesota.

  31. Christy Weller says

    I Follow @FirstAlert on Twitter

  32. Christy Weller says

    We planned on going sight seeing

  33. Tammy Greer says

    I am planning on doing a lot of swimming.

  34. Charlene Kuser says
  35. Charlene Kuser says

    I am a subscriber via email (

  36. Charlene Kuser says

    I follow @NolaTricia on Twitter (@Swtlilchick)

  37. Charlene Kuser says

    I follow @FirstAlert on Twitter (@Swtlilchick)

  38. Charlene Kuser says

    I have planned to go to an amusement park this summer and ride the fun rides,

  39. I follow @NolaTricia on Twitter @happeegirl

  40. Following @FirstAlert on Twitter @happeegirl

  41. Going to see a country concert at our local amphitheater!

  42. subscribe via email using ardy22 at earthlink dot net

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  43. follow you twitter
    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  44. follow them twitter
    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  45. tweet
    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  46. We hope to go to Busch Gardens in VA in a few weeks!

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  47. We wil spend time at our lake lazing – – –

  48. nicole parsons says

    The family and I are going to Disneyland to have some fun

  49. jessica schueler says

    I Follow @NolaTricia on Twitter- schueler1

  50. jessica schueler says

    I Follow @FirstAlert on Twitter- schueler1

  51. jessica schueler says

    We plan on camping by the lake

  52. I subscribe.

  53. Marty Harris says

    I want to go to the creek and go swimming

  54. Marty Harris says

    Following @FirstAlert on Twitter : MartyHarris3
    Following @NolaTricia on Twitter : MartyHarris3
    Subscribe to Nola Mommy via E-mail :
    Tweeted about this Giveaway:

  55. The 4th of July week. Going up north for a whole week spending time with family

  56. We’re going inter-tubing over the 4th of July holiday.

  57. susan smoaks says

    this summer we plan to take a vacation to the beach for a week, that will be fun!

  58. Follow NolaTricia @misskrys1999

  59. Follow FirstAlert on twitter @misskrys1999

  60. Im actually taking the kids to the waterpark tomorrow!! Cant wait!!

  61. amy deeter says

    i follow first alert on twitter under amy16323

  62. amy deeter says

    lots of camping

  63. Anastasia says

    We are going to Knoebels amusement park, the zoo and of course swimming this summer.

  64. kathy pease says
  65. kathy pease says

    rss google feed subscriber

  66. kathy pease says

    follow First Alert on twitter klp1965

  67. kathy pease says

    i will be spending lots of time in our pool and barbequing

  68. Marilyn Higgins says

    We plan to go to the beach

  69. candace swoveland says

    email subscriber

  70. candace swoveland says

    @nolatricia follower @candaceswovelan

  71. candace swoveland says

    followed a@firstalert @candaceswovelan

  72. candace swoveland says

    I have not planned anything because my neighbor vandalizes our house I woke up this morning to our kids pool sliced so 2 weeks ago i went out bought a 9mm for personal protection bought no tresspassing signs …. I would love this safe for my gun ty

  73. Visiting family in California.

  74. joseph gersch jr says

    i am going to hersheypark

  75. brian e. says
  76. brian e. says

    Following @FirstAlert via Twitter: @brianpiero

  77. brian e. says

    Thanks for the giveaway…we will be spending a few long weekends at the beach this summer.

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  78. trisha mckee says

    tweeted about giveaway as @wordromancer

  79. Jennifer Reed says

    One FUN thing I have planned this summer is summer camp for my kids and a few days enjoying our town acting as tourist with my husband.
    repose4jr at gmail dot com

  80. trisha mckee says

    Subscribed to email!

  81. trisha mckee says

    Following nolatricia on twitter as @wordromancer

  82. trisha mckee says

    Following firstalert on twitter as @wordromancer

  83. Marissa M says
  84. trisha mckee says

    Many road trips are planned but next week we are going to the Pittsburgh zoo!

  85. Marissa M says

    I subscribe via email

  86. We’re moving!

  87. Marissa M says

    I follow @NolaTricia on twitter @lovefreestuff17

  88. Marissa M says

    I follow first alert on twitter @lovefreestuff17

  89. Marissa M says

    We are taking my nieces to the local amusement park!

  90. Shaunda Eppes says
  91. Shaunda Eppes says

    Email subscriber

  92. Shaunda Eppes says

    I Follow @FirstAlert on Twitter

  93. Shaunda Eppes says

    We’re going to the beach.

  94. We’re planning on going to the beach.

  95. D Schmidt says
  96. D Schmidt says

    We have a trip to Disney planned

  97. Mary Cloud says

    Follow you on Twitter – Annabellainla

  98. Mary Cloud says

    Follow First Alert on Twitter – Annabellainla

  99. Mary Cloud says

    Going on vacation to Texas

  100. We’re doing some camping.

  101. Following you on twitter (machina328)

  102. Following first alert on twitter (machina328)

  103. I’ll be spending a lot of time at the beach!

  104. Shirley Hicks says

    vacation to florida

  105. We are planning a few trips to local amusement and water parks this summer

  106. I plan on camping in the northwoods!

  107. I subscribed vial email….

  108. Follow @firstalert on twitter…


  109. I follow @NolaTricia on twitter…


  110. We plan to take a summer road trip to Prince Edward Island, where Ann of the Green Gables was started, my wife loves this, so it is for her.

  111. Trevor Clinger says

    going to the most famous amusement park in the world with the wife and kids= cedar point

  112. I plan to read alot

  113. i subscribe sweepmorey at gmail dot com

  114. I follow you on twitter mommysdizzy

  115. I follow first alert on twitter mommysdizzy

  116. the fun plans we have is going geocaching.

  117. IRENE CYPHER says

    Following NolaTricia on Twitter.

  118. IRENE CYPHER says

    Following First Alert on Twitter.

  119. IRENE CYPHER says

    We live at the beach, so that’s where our fun is all year long!

  120. Valerie Taylor Mabrey says

    camping with the extended family
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  121. Jennifer C says

    We plan to visit my sister out of state.

  122. My 25 year high school reunion is this summer. Thanks for the giveaway.

  123. s riches says

    We are going to Dollywood next month

  124. Google Reader subscriber

  125. I follow you on Twitter @Razzmyberry

  126. Go to the beach

  127. twitter you @xferriza2

  128. twitter them @xferriza2

  129. girl trip to vegas in a few weeks.

  130. Miz Vickik says

    We’re going camping!

  131. RSS Subscriber

  132. We’re going to the beach and to Great America!

  133. Carolyn Daley says

    I follow @NolaTricia on twitter as @darkmysticnight

  134. Carolyn Daley says

    I follow @FirstAlert on twitter as @darkmysticnight

  135. 3) Subscribe to Nola Mommy via RSS Reader or E-mail–I do as nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com

  136. Carolyn Daley says

    I plan on going to Sea World with my boyfriend

  137. 2) Follow @NolaTricia on Twitter–I do as @nola727

  138. I Follow @FirstAlert on Twitter–I do as @nola727

  139. I’m planning a tubing trip! Thanks for the chance to win and the review.

  140. We are going to the beach 🙂

  141. We leave this sunday (july 1) to go camping at a local place until the 3rd and then we are going to a campsite further away July 14-18!

  142. im your twitter follower as @emilyreviewscom

  143. i follow first alert on twitter as @emilyreviewscom

  144. a weekend camping trip

  145. Mandy Blank says

    We’re going to take the kids to the amusement park!

  146. our first family vacation with our daughters to palm springs for a week

  147. chastidy says

    We went to Disney World this summer and our next trip is floating the river 🙂

  148. I subscribe via Google Reader (ellie)
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  149. I follow you on Twitter @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  150. Following @FirstAlert on Twitter @eswright18
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  151. We are taking our grandsons to a safari park.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  152. I Subscribe to Nola Mommy via RSS Reader

  153. I Follow @NolaTricia on Twitter

  154. I Follow @FirstAlert on Twitter

  155. If the weather ever warms up we plan to take regular family bike rides. We have a great trail network in my town, but it rains too much to take advantage of them.

  156. Tara Woods says

    email subscriber
    mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

  157. Tara Woods says

    We are planning a trip to Six Flags Over Georgia.
    mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

  158. We are going to the beach!

  159. going to canobie lake park

  160. Paula Tavernie says

    Im a email subscriber!
    ptavernie at yahoo dot com

  161. Paula Tavernie says

    We plan on going camping this summer with the kids and grandkids!!
    ptavernie at yahoo dot com

  162. Boat rides on the Hudson River.

  163. Diane Baum says

    We are having a Hawaiian party on JUly 1

  164. Daniel M says

    all we’re doing this year is hittin the beach

  165. I subscribed via email and confirmed my subscription @piano4praise at gmail dot com

  166. I follow you on Twitter @coupons4moms

  167. I follow First Alert on Twitter @coupons4moms

  168. We are going to Chicago in August! YAY for vacations! :

  169. We plan to go camping in the mountains near our home.

  170. I dont have anything fun planed

  171. My plan for the summer is to try to pay off my outstanding credit cards. 🙁 not very exciting but important.

  172. Jacob LaFountaine says

    Mountain hiking

  173. Kyl Neusch says

    Follow @FirstAlert on Twitter: bleush

  174. Kyl Neusch says
  175. Kyl Neusch says

    go to the beach

  176. Our main fun plan this summer is going to a medieval camping event for a week.

  177. Walking the Brooklyn Bridge… Fuhgettaboutit!

  178. We are going camping the week after 4th of July!

  179. Heading to the beach for sun, fun & people watching.

    Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

  180. spend time with grandkids

  181. I subscribe using google reader

  182. I plan to go to Six Flags Great America with my family

  183. Sylvie W says

    We are going to the shore.

  184. Ashley C says

    Our daughter should be arriving any day now so we’re exciting to meet our newest family member 🙂


  185. Samantha K says

    Going to the beach

  186. Headed to Chicago for a Cubs game 🙂

  187. Cynthia W says

    I follow @NolaTricia on Twitter (@CynthiaAndrea9)

  188. Cynthia W says

    I follow First Alert on Twitter (@CynthiaAndrea9)

  189. Cynthia W says

    We are planning a trip to Six Flags in St. Louis.

  190. I follow you as @carlyhobart

  191. I follow First Alert as @carlyhobart

  192. I plan to go on vacation.

  193. Kimberly R says

    I follow NolaTricia on twitter! @ExitsAngel

  194. Kimberly R says

    I follow FirstAlert on Twitter! @ExitsAngel

  195. Kimberly R says

    I’m going to Cedar Point!

  196. Crystal F says

    Lots of softball tournaments for my oldest daughter. We spend most weekends on a softball field and it’s so much fun. thank you!

  197. susan varney says
  198. susan varney says

    plenty of harness racing

  199. Laura Jacobson says
  200. Laura Jacobson says

    I Follow @NolaTricia on Twitter

  201. Laura Jacobson says

    I Follow @FirstAlert on Twitter

  202. Laura Jacobson says

    We are planning a trip to our zoo in the next couple weeks! 🙂

  203. So far, I do not know!

  204. Heading to Myrtle Beach in a few weeks.

  205. Linda Lansford says

    I sub to email

  206. Linda Lansford says

    we will go to the beach

  207. Tracie Brown says

    I follow nolatricia on twitter @traciebrowny

  208. Tracie Brown says

    I follow first alert on twitter @traciebrowny

  209. Tracie Brown says

    We are moving to our first house with our own yard so we will have BBQ’s 🙂

  210. We planning a camping trip.

  211. Rebecca Graham says

    We are going to the water park.

  212. We’re planning to go to as many amusement parks as we can fit ino our summer vacation.

  213. Jennifer B says

    family camping trip!! can’t wait

  214. Marianna says
  215. Marianna says

    follow nolatricia on twitter – @mannabsn

  216. Marianna says

    follow firstalert on twitter – @mannabsn

  217. Marianna says

    Lots of swimming in our pool!

  218. Family reunion! Yay!

  219. I am now following you on twitter! @KatyLMA

  220. I am now following First Alert on twitter! @KatyLMA

  221. To be honest, I don’t have one certain *fun* thing planned for this summer. My birthday is in August…so that is fun, right!? 🙂

  222. Just staying home and catching up on house and yard work.

  223. I planned a Staycation at the pool with the BBQ grill. 🙂

  224. I’m a RSS subscriber

  225. This summer, I plan on going to a Def Leppard concert! Yay!!

  226. Tari Lawson says

    We are going on a family road trip :).

  227. Follow you on Twitter – crunchybchmama

  228. Follow First Alert on Twitter – crunchybchmama

  229. Headed back home for a nice visit!

  230. Samantha C. says

    We have a road trip to Michigan planned.

  231. Disney World!

  232. Taking my kids to the Renaissance Festival. They love it!

  233. Mandy Blank says

    We’re taking the kids to the local amusement park.

  234. Ann Fantom says

    I’m an email subscriber

  235. Ann Fantom says

    We are going to go to Myrtle Beach, SC on vacation

  236. Kathlean Owens says
  237. Kathlean Owens says

    I am following Nola Mommy via Google Reader

  238. Kathlean Owens says

    I am now following @NolaTricia on twitter

  239. Kathlean Owens says

    I am following @FirstAlert on twitter

  240. Kathlean Owens says

    We had planned a few picnics in the mountains, but they are still on fire and off limits. So, we have been swimming and now we plan to go to the closest Amusement Park and then to the waterpark.

  241. Suzanne K says

    I’m working on plans for a trip to San Francisco!

  242. going to the Dells Great Wolf Lodge waterpark for 3 days

  243. Following via RSS

  244. Following you as @carlyhobart

  245. Following First Alert as @carlyhobart

  246. Kayaking.

  247. JERALYN KNIGHT says


  248. Sue Ellison says
  249. Sue Ellison says
  250. Sue Ellison says

    Email subscriber

  251. I plan on going hiking.

  252. I subscribe to your email under kellywcuATyahooDOTcom

  253. I Follow @NolaTricia on Twitter(Kellydsaver)

  254. I Follow @FirstAlert on Twitter(Kellydsaver)

  255. We are going to tour around Washington DC

  256. Sue Ellison says

    I follow @NolaTricia on Twitter as suebaby05

  257. Sue Ellison says

    I follow @FirstAlert on Twitter as suebaby05

  258. Sue Ellison says

    We’re planning a trip to SeaWorld.

  259. kristen m says

    The fun thing we have on deck for this summer is going to a local state park and going swimming!
    blue65829 at aol dot com

  260. brandy g. says

    We are planning a road trip to Texas

  261. Theron Willis says

    I subscribe via email.

  262. Theron Willis says

    I plan on buying a recurve bow so as to practice archery at my nearest range.

    Hope to win!

  263. Tabitha Pyle says

    we are going to the beach.

  264. Margaret Smith says
  265. Margaret Smith says

    I’m an email subscriber.

  266. Margaret Smith says

    We’re planning on visiting my Dad in South Carolina for a couple of weeks.
    Thanks so much.

  267. follow you on twitter as JT2ofusanddeals

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  268. One fun thing I have planned this summer is lots of swimming at the pool

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  269. I RSS your blog w/ google

  270. My son and I are doing our first musical together (Pinocchio)!

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