March 25, 2025

New Orleans Wedding Cake Cupcakes

Here in New Orleans, a traditional wedding cake consists of a delicate combination of almond and vanilla flavoring. It’s a distinct flavor that transcends just cake and can be found in snowballs, ice cream, and coffee. My favorite coffee shop, PJ’s Coffee of New Orleans,  just released a Southern Wedding Cake coffee that is divine. Without a wedding […]

Take the Safe Summer Boating Pledge

Life Jacket Clip Art

Here in Louisiana, many families will enjoy this July 4th weekend by spending time on the water. The lakes will soon be crowded with boaters enjoying their favorite fishing holes.  Please take the time to join the National Safe Boating Council and sign the Safe Summer Pledge to wear your life jacket and practice safe boating habits. Sadly, many fatalities on the […]

Exotic Fruit at Rouse’s Supermarkets

Entertain your kids this summer at your local grocery store or Farmer’s Market.  New Orleans is the proud home of the locally owned Rouse’s Supermarket. It has been a favorite of New Orleanians “makin’ grocercies” since 1960 and now provides a large assortment of exotic fruits. Every month they will feature a different fruit and this June make sure you check out […]

New Orleans Red Beans & Rice

It’s Monday and what’s for dinner? Around here on Monday it’s most likely going to be a plate of red beans and rice. Tradition says that on Monday you did the washing and put on a pot of beans with the leftover meat from Sunday’s ham.  It is usually served with additional sausage or meat on […]

Mr. Bo Children’s Book: Giveaway (CLOSED)

Mr. Bo: Finds a New Home and a New Name is a sweet, sensitive children’s book written by, Louisiana State University graduate, Timothy Battle. Geared toward first and second graders this book tells the real-life story of Mr. Bo’s journey out of an animal shelter and into a new loving home. The entire story is told […]

Oliver’s Labels (Product Review)

 Keeping track of your child’s belongings can be a daunting task and trust me, as they get older it just means more stuff to keep track of. This is where Oliver’s Labels come in handy. They are a great way to keep track of your child’s belongings in a stylish and efficient way. There high-performance labels […]

New Orleans Inspired Pet Names

Just before Christmas we had a stray kitten show up in our garden that we have taken in. When trying to decide on a name for her we decided that we wanted to give her a name inspired by New Orleans. After a long family discussion we finally settled on Abbie (short for Abita). Here are some other names that […]

Mardi Gras 2011 is Here!!!

This January 6, 2011 marked the official start of Mardi Gras season. Tradition states that carnival season begins on the Twelfth Night which is twelve days following Christmas. It is also the first day that Mardi Gras king cakes officially hit the bakery shelves. Now you can get your hands on one all year in […]