March 23, 2025

Wordless Wednesday 5/2/11 {Linky}

When I was downloading some pictures from this past weekend these were mixed in. I totally forgot my oldest son asked me if he could take some pictures of his toys. He did a great job capturing the battle between the Autobots vs. the Decepticons. He assured me that the good guys won! Happy Wordless […]

Leap Into Spring Photo Challenge Finale

The finale of the Leap into Spring Photo Challenge is here. Thanks to Alicia from Project Alicia, Kristi from Live and Love out Loud, and Rebecca from Bumbles and Light for hosting the challenge and putting together some amazing giveaways! You have until May 18th to enter your photo for a chance to win! My […]

Wordless Wednesday 4/25/12 {Linky}

I hope everyone is having a great week! I am working on some new projects that I can’t wait to share and even more overwhelming is planning a first birthday party! This week I could not figure out what our dachshund, Bailey, was growling at. I figured it was some kind of animal….. It was […]

Wordless Wednesday 3/21/12 {Linky}

This past weekend “We Went Down to the Audubon Zoo Where They All Ask for You!” There is a story behind these bird photos. My friends and family know that I have an extreme phobia of snakes. My dad claims that when I was little, I pet one at the zoo, but I must have […]

Wordless Wednesday {Butterflies} *Linky*

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” Maya Angelou Happy Wordless Wednesday and Thank You for Linking Up here at Nola Mommy! Maybe you noticed some changes around here… Look up! Yes ,there is my new header! I would love to […]

Wordless Wednesday 2/8/12 {Shoebox Float}

Shoebox Float

I was excited when my son came home from school saying he had to build a Shoebox Mardi Gras Float. Then when we told my husband, he started telling us about his shoebox floats as a kid and Twitter friends shared their shoebox float ideas with me. I guess these are a Nola tradition! (Mine […]

Wordless Wednesday 1/25/12 {Linky}

This morning I had to cross the longest bridge over water in North America. It’s 24 miles long and had bumper to bumper traffic! Ugh! But when I looked over towards the city, there was a beautiful sunrise with rays of light over the city. I grabbed my cell phone, snapped these photos, and realized […]

Luxury Pasta Moments Photo Contest {Recipe: Baked Ziti}

For almost 100 years, Luxury Pasta has been bringing families around the dinner table for pasta filled meals. Pasta is such a versatile ingredient and can be made into a dish that fits your family and now through the Luxury Pasta Moments Photo Contest, Luxury Pasta wants to know what home means to you. Through […]