March 4, 2025

Don’t Forget your Life Jacket! North American Safe Boating Campaign

Don’t forget your life jacket. Is there anyone not trying to take a few days off next week? Many parts of the country are seeing record high temperatures, which makes the water that much more appealing. So as parents try and figure out how to pack their luggage, their kids’ luggage, toys, coolers and other […]

First Alert Waterproof Fire Safe {Review & Giveaway}

home safe

Take a second to think if your valuables are protected from fire, burglary, or even flood? Consider that every 14 seconds a home is burglarized, every year 380,000 homes experience a residential fire, and over 2 billion dollars are spent repairing homes affected by flooding. It’s no wonder we have a lot to stress about. […]

Summer Safety: Keeping your Child Safe Online with Care4Teen


I am not a parent of a teenager, yet! But I am the mom to an eight year old that enjoys kid friendly games on his computer. Majority of the time he is online, I am close enough to see exactly what he is doing at all times but there are some occasions that I […]

Summer Safety: Staying Safe in the Water

Last summer there was an article by Mario Vittone, a rescue swimmer for the United States Coast Guard that caught my eye titled “Drowning Doesn’t Look like Drowning.” Everything you learned from television about what drowning looks like is 100% wrong and learning to know the signs of someone in distress while in the water […]

Stay Safe in the Summer Heat

  Across the country it is HOT! Today in New Orleans, the heat index at Audubon Park is 104 degrees and some of the hottest days of summer are yet to come. Heat related illnesses are dangerous and can have life changing consequences. In America, more people die each year from extreme heat than hurricanes, […]