March 26, 2025

Wordless Wednesday 7/20/11

Blue and green Peacock

This peacock was strutting his stuff at the Audubon Zoo… Where they all ask for you!  Click here to enter to win 1 of 10 (TEN) Shutterfly Photobooks from Nola Mommy     .

Wordless Wednesday 7/6/11

Wordless Wednesday

Every night we have a single bright green tree frog on our patio door. Last night my son snapped this shot of him. He’s becoming quite a little photographer!

Wordless Wednesday 2/9/11

Last week for WW it was a pic of our dog. This week I’m sharing the love with our new kitten. She looks so thrilled to have her picture taken, lol!

Wordless Wednesday 2/2/11

  Even Bailey is tired of this cold, rainy weather!  

Wordless Wednesday 1/26/11

This week at The Pioneer Woman the photography assignment is flowers. Here are my entries for the assignment.

Wordless Wednesday 1-19-11

Bailey digging. Bailey with her, “Oh man, I just got busted” look.

Wordless Wednesday 1-12-11

  Today is a nostalgic Wordless Wednesday. This was me in 2nd grade! I was a page in a Mardi Gras parade with 4 of my cousins. This photo was taken at the annual ball where the court is presented.  

Wordless Wednesday 12/1/10

“If my ship sails from sight, it doesn’t mean my journey ends, it simply means the river bends.” J. Enoch Powell