March 25, 2025

Wordless Wednesday 7/20/11

Blue and green Peacock

This peacock was strutting his stuff at the Audubon Zoo… Where they all ask for you!  Click here to enter to win 1 of 10 (TEN) Shutterfly Photobooks from Nola Mommy     .

5 Ways to Help the Gulf Coast

The media spotlight on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is dwindling, but the cleanup is far from over. The health of the Gulf of Mexico and it’s wetlands heavily impacts America’s domestic energy production, the seafood industry, international shipping, and the region’s culture. They don’t call Louisiana a Sportsman’s (or sportswoman’s) paradise […]

Audubon Zoo

We love going to the Audubon Zoo! Located uptown in New Orleans it is a treasure to our city. It’s home to 2,000 animals and has many native to southern Louisiana. As members of the zoo we try to go often. Sometimes we go just to relax and enjoy lunch. My son “GC” could be […]