Last year we started the family tradition of the Elf on the Shelf by Carol V. Aebersold and Chanda A. Bell. It is a great way to usher in the Christmas season. The elf comes with a wonderfully illustrated book that tells the story of the elf and his mission. The book tells kids that Santa’s elf shows up to monitor if they have been good or bad and reports back to Santa each night. So when the child wakes up the next morning the elf should be in a different spot each morning. Some nights that task gets tricky but it is fun watching “GC” in search of his elf’s new location every morning. I remember last year my husband waking up at 3:30am asking if the elf moved. When the elf first arrives it is up to the children in the home to name him. Ours is Zack. The one rule is that the elf cannot be touched or he may not be able to go to the North Pole. We also have our elf transport GC’s Christmas list to the Northpole and when GC has been extra good a Hot Wheel or small toy might appear and when you first touch such a treat they are usually still cold from the Northpole! I am really hope that this tradition can remain in our family and even be passed down to future generations.
Our Elf on the Shelf is Back
November 30, 2009 By
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