March 27, 2025

Operation Beautiful (Review)

Operation Beautiful: Transforming the Way You See Yourself One Post-it Note at a Time is a book written by Caitlin Boyle as a way to stamp out negative self-talk and encourage you to be the best version of yourself. It all started with one post-it note in a public restroom and has grown into a phenomenon.   As women, we are constantly being bombarded with messages that make us measure our self worth by the number on the scale. We are told to compare ourselves to models and celebrities on magazine covers that have undergone massive amounts of airbrushing to shrink their thighs, remove their wrinkles, and fix any imperfections. Each post-it note is a reminder that “You are Beautiful” just the way you are.

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to review such a great book with an amazing concept. I enjoyed reading the stories of women who were blessed by finding a note reminding them that they are beautiful and the women who left them in some creative places. The stories are powerful. From women in treatment for eating disorders and women who are battling cancer their stories have one resounding message. That message is that, as women, we are beautiful and should spend more time building each other up instead of breaking each other down.

As a teenager I spent most of my time focusing on the number on the scale and the size of my jeans. As a dancer, weight was at the forefront of my life. Every Wednesday was our dance team’s weigh-in. A process that I think should be outlawed.  Looking back, I want to go back and slap myself and our coaches. Instead of reminding us that we were strong, young athletes we were told that no one wants to see a chunky dancer. Instead of being taught about healthy nutrition and exercising it was understood that you just had to make weight. I wish I had stumbled on an operation beautiful post-it note in the locker room. As I’ve grown up and into a mother I have come to realize that I don’t necessarily need to be skinny to be healthy. I want to be able to chase my son around and be around for him for years to come.

The Operation Beautiful book is full of simple ways to improve your body image such as avoiding “fat talk.” Fat talk triggers unhealthy behaviors and we use it as a way to shame ourselves. Instead we should focus on positives. The focus of your work-out should be to feel strong and healthy,  not to be skinny. Try challenging yourself to small fitness goals from doing 5 push-ups to running a 5K. Nourish your body with healthy food and balanced portions. Another important topic is passing on a positive body image to our children. In a world where they are bombarded with images of so-called perfection they need to understand that they are unique and beautiful in there own skin. It is our job as parents to be a role model! Empower them by teaching them to cook and eat healthy meals. Involving them in the process can help them become excited about healthy meals. Finally, find your “healthy tipping point”! Your healthy tipping point is your “Aha” moment where you stop obsessing about thinness and choose to pursue your own healthy ideal and stick to healthy living for life!

Click here to learn more about the Operation Beautiful campaign and book. Treat yourself to a book full of postive reminders that you are beautiful!

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