March 28, 2025

Vacation Hangover

I am trying to recover from a “vacation hangover.” I spent all last week enjoying the sun, sand, and living in flip-flops. I am not complaining because I would love to suffer from a “vacation hangover” more often, but it’s just coming back to real life that is a bummer. Not only is coming home with piles of laundry no fun, but my son started school the day after we got back. How’s that for jumping back into the real world! So, between getting him ready for school, going back to work, and trying to unpack, I have neglected NOLA Mommy. I am trying to get back on track with the SITS Girls and Problogger’s 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge and regular blogging. I just keep thinking about the Caribbean, the white sand beaches, crystal clear water, and drinks with umbrellas! Oh, how I digress. Also, I took over 1300 pictures that I want to tweak with my new Photoshop CS4. Be on the look out for posts with pictures from Belize and Isle of Roatan, Honduras. I got to snorkel the great barrier reef in Belize and enjoy the private island of Maya Key in Honduras. The pictures are amazing but still can’t do those places justice. Today, my plan is to focus and complete my to-do list that just seems to never end. Wish me luck!

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