I am not a parent of a teenager, yet! But I am the mom to an eight year old that enjoys kid friendly games on his computer. Majority of the time he is online, I am close enough to see exactly what he is doing at all times but there are some occasions that I am not. Anyone familiar with the internet knows that one wrong click can lead you to something unintended that is inappropriate for the eyes of a child. For example, we were searching the term “ripe mango” in order to find out how to select the best mango at the grocery store. Well a few links down and we weren’t in the land of tropical fruits, if you know what I mean. With school projects on the horizon I know that we will be relying on the internet even more for information and even with me by his side, I don’t want him to click on sites that are not intended for children. So, short of banning the internet, what do you do?
Turn to Care4Teen.com to monitor and control your child’s online activity. It’s a FREE program designed for parents who want to take charge of their child’s online searching and monitor where they have been, what they search for, and who they are interacting with. With Care4Teen you are in control. Here are some highlights of the features of Care4Teen:
- Remote Access
This means that you never have to be out of touch with your child’s activities online. You simply login to your account from any computer or device with internet access and you are taken to the page which displays all of your child’s activities, as further outlined below. - Intuitive Blocking of Websites
Care4Teen.com automatically blocks a large number of websites, either because of their blatant inappropriate content or because the majority of other parents have black-listed the site. There is also a comprehensive white list of websites with over 3 million websites available to your children. - Complete Parental Control
Although Care4Teen acts intuitively with the blocking of sites, you as the parent retain complete control of your child’s online activity. You can choose to block certain sites which are white listed or allow sites which are black listed. Additionally, you can choose to have the program run with restricted or unlimited access, depending on who is using the computer at any time. - In-depth Tracking and MonitoringThe Care4Teen system includes many layers of built-in tracking and monitoring features. In addition to the intuitive blocking of websites, the program also records each URL visited, the length of time on each site, 10 second video clips captured every 2 minutes and random screen shots.
- There is NO-CHARGE for this ServiceSimply download the software on your computer and you’re all set!
Go to Care4Teen.com today to begin protecting your family online.

Follow @NolaTricia
I have the same fears and frustrations when it comes to my kids surfing the net. I’m always scared to death they will stumble onto a site not fit for adult eyes, let alone theirs. Thanks for the tip about Care4Teen I’ll definitely be checking it out!
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