March 14, 2025

Wordless Wednesday 9/28/11 *Linky*

New Orleans Sunset

Last week I cruised to Cozumel, Mexico and back on a quick 4 day cruise with 12 other girlfriends.
We had a wonderful trip and this was the sunset over New Orleans right before the boat set sail.

cruise ship

The Cruise Ship in Cozumel, Mexico

Now I am officially ready for some cooler weather!

Happy Wordless Wednesday! Please link up here at Nola Mommy!


  1. Beautiful photos! And, so jealous! I’ve always wanted to go on a cruise. Dumb Dad is convinced they’re for “old people”

  2. That sounds like you had some good fun. My wife refuses to go on a cruise.

  3. Those are beautiful photos!

  4. Beautiful pics! What a great way to end the summer with a cruise 🙂

  5. grabbed your linky button for my hop page 🙂

  6. Beautiful you and the photos 🙂 Hugs

  7. Looks like you had a fabulous time! I love our annual girlfriend getaway. In fact, it’s my WW post today. 🙂

    I’m with you on the cooler weather. I think the humidity is worse in NOLA than here in Florida.

  8. Great pics and I’m sure you had lots of fun with your friends. That’s what I would need right now, a several day long outing with my friends, I’m getting jealous. 😉

  9. That sunset is great. And such a brilliant blue in that second shot. Beautiful. Sounds like a fun time.

  10. Wow, that sunset is amazing! And those waters too. What a fun trip. I’m a tad jealous… 😉

  11. Your sky shots are amazing.

    Orange Cheesecake

  12. Gorgeous sunset! Glad you had a wonderful trip.

  13. That’s absolutely gorgeous there!

  14. How fun! Great shots.

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