March 25, 2025

Mardi Gras Parade Safety for the Entire Family

Mardi Gras is in full-swing! The first full weekend of parades rolled last weekend, the Super Krewes are scheduled to roll this upcoming weekend, and Mardi Gras Day is February 21, 2012. This past weekend, my oldest son got to ride on a float for the second time and my youngest went to his first parade! We had a great time and I hope that everyone has a fun and safe Mardi Gras.

Here are a few tips to keeping you and your family safe this Mardi Gras season:

  • Check the weather before heading out
    Every New Orleanian knows that the weather here can change quickly. Dress in layers so that you can remove extra layers as needed. Also, apply sunscreen even on overcast days.
  • Pay Attention
    Kids can have their eyes on a throw that landed in the street and not notice the approaching float. (Floats are big and can’t stop quickly.) Even adults can bend down to pick up something only to be hit with more beads. Your best bet is to put your feet on the bead and pick them up in between floats. Even though they seem like priceless possessions at the time remember they are just plastic beads.
  • Ladder Safety
    Ladders have to be off the barricades equal distance for there height. For example, if you have a 6 foot ladder with a seat on top then you have to be 7 feet off the barricades. Never leave a child unattended in a ladder seat.
  • BYOTP (Bring your own Toilet Paper)
    You might have heard the song, “There Ain’t No Place to Pee on Mardi Gras Day” Yes,  it’s a real song and it’s the truth! Even if you find somewhere to use the restroom the chances of them having toilet paper is slim so bring your own.
  • Pack Snacks
    Parades are not always on time and so sometimes you are waiting on the route for a while waiting on them to arrive and having a snack and water is a great idea.
  • Plan on a Meeting Place
    Give your children a note card with all of your important information including names and contact numbers. Teach them to go to a police officer if they are separated.

    For additional safety tips go to
    Mardi Gras New  
Wishing you and your family a happy and safe Mardi Gras 2012!


  1. have fun, be safe and enjoy at Mardi Gras.

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